
Be or not to be…

Many people believe that designers are unique in their thinking and working on projects like special in some way. Becoming a designer actually takes years of hard work, experimentation, and failure. Designers, like everyone else, should be inspired by something for their work, and then the problem appears: to be inspired or to copy or not to be…

The very famous web site Pinterest has brought an opportunity to look at the best works of designers. There is a lot of competition between designers who look at their work and want to be even better. How to be better when everything is already invented for us?

Before doing something, we always look at what has already been done before us. We can borrow an idea but not an exact copy of the design.

Copy is learning

When I started to work like a designer, I also try to copy some art, to learn some new style. For example, at the university we had a task to copy the works of one famous artist to understand how he used color, shadows, contrast in his works.

As you can see in the example, it was difficult for me was to make a copy. A bad copy is even more fun than the original. After I tried to make a copy, I realized that it’s just not my style and I don’t want to draw like that. The copying process gave me the opportunity to understand how I really draw and that I still need to learn a lot.


If you are copying a work of art to steal and want to share it online, consider: Have you stolen enough from enough sources and changed the original ideas to create something new? If you are not sure if your work is original: you must indicate the original source or artist. *It is very important to talk about a copy as a copy not as your own work!

What can happen?

Art plagiarism has its own consequences, so you must avoid it. Here are some of the possible outcomes if you commit it:

Have you copied other artist’s work?

If you copied the work of other artists, this doesn`t mean that you stole something, but then you cannot recognize the copy as your work. You need to understand what the consequences can be if you steal someone’s work.

Thanks for reading!